In accordance with international day standards
See the bottom of the page to get access to packaging samples

Thanks to the four seasons weather
Features of export products!
The precise and detailed observation and investigation of product safety standards both in the country of origin and in the country of destination is the most important point in fruit export and fruit packaging.
- Healthy fruit fleshHealthy fruit flesh with no signs of pus
- Free of black spotsNo plasticity, trauma
- No brown spotsNo brown spots, dehydration and flouring
- Rust and crackingNo rust and cracking of the tail
- Product weight and sizeProduct weight and size by agreement
- Product defectsOnly 3% of the product is allowed
- Name and logoName and logo of the manufacturer or exporter
- Compliance with standardsComply with product safety standards

We strive to provide you with safe and comfortable services by adapting to new packaging methods.
Some examples of Gilafruit packaging