Buy Persian watermelon

Packaging and loading of Iranian export watermelon

Special Iranian watermelon for export

Watermelon, which is produced in kitchen garden, is a popular and lovely fruit among all the people around the world. Besides, its plant is wide and large, with sweet and juicy fruit flesh and white and black seeds, which are sometimes soft or hard. Further, this fruit has more than 1200 types whose the most famous one is B32 watermelon.  Iranian watermelon is cultivated in different cities of Iran such as Chabahar, located in Sistan va Baluchistan, Shiraz, Dezfoul, Jiroft, and Boushehr and is used for export to different countries, in different watermelon packages, by controlling watermelon temperature along the way.

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Watermelon cultivation conditions

Furthermore, the cultivation of Iranian watermelon is done both traditionally and by basin irrigation method. In fact, this product needs warm climate and a great quantity of water to grow. Further, its seasonal growth is long and the humidity does not affect it.

Iranian watermelon harvest

One of the most important stages of watermelon cultivation is the harvest stage, which has many characteristics. For instance, the location of the watermelon must be cream in color, through which it is understood that the fruit is ripe, otherwise the fruit is unripe. In fact, the color of ripe fruit is relatively lighter than unripe fruit and the watermelon tail in ripe fruit is slightly drier.

Additionally, by tapping the fruit, with its muffled sound, you can recognize that the watermelon has already ripened. Also, it is important to cut the stem of the watermelon in principle, not to pull or break it.


Iranian watermelon characteristics

This delicious and juicy fruit, 90% of which is water, due to its potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, and C, is very fruitful and effective in treating different kinds of diseases including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and can also prevent and delay Alzheimer’s.

Moreover, this product, having an antioxidant called lycopene, prevents damage to the kidneys by breaking down harmful free oxygen radicals and helps reduce the risk of heart attack.

Hygienic uses of watermelon on skin and hair

Watermelon is very effective in producing collagen. As a result, it will make the skin very soft and strong. Moreover, it is effectual in repairing skin cells and its dryness, and it is now utilized in making health products such as soap and shampoo. Accordingly, do not forget to use natural watermelon masks to repair and beautify your skin.

Watermelon b32 Iran
B32 Watermelon, planted in Iran, with high durability and thick skin, is the best option for export to far and near countries

The most suitable type of Iranian watermelon for export and import

Iranian watermelon is ranked the fifth in the world in production. Moreover, Iranian watermelon is exported to the neighboring countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,  Azerbaijan, the United Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Qatar, Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Oman etc. Above all, the most suitable types of watermelon for export and import are B32, Mikado and Ion Gene, which will be briefly explained in the following sections.

 B32 watermelon

B32 Watermelon, due to the thickness of the rind and firmness of the fruit flesh has a high durability and is suitable for export and import. On the other hand, its nice color and high quality have made it popular in the neighboring countries. Therefore, Iranian watermelon import is the best due to its characteristics.

Watermelon B32, Mikado, Unigen
Watermelon B32, Mikado, Ion gene is the best option for exporting and importing this product to neighboring and distant countries with Iran.

Ion Gene watermelon

Ion Gene watermelon is usually round, striped and weighs approximately from 9 to 11 kg. This type of watermelon is early ripening and easy to carry. Therefore, Iranian watermelon import is a good choice for international customers.

Mikado Watermelon

It is often round and weighs between 6 and 10 kg. Mikado has a good thickness and durability, and therefore is a very good choice for export to global markets.

Iranian export watermelon
First class products from the south of Iran, Iranian watermelon for export and import to Arab and Eurasian countries

Gilafruit, the supplier of Iranian watermelons

GilaFruit, by combining the years of gaining knowledge and the experience in producing and supplying different kinds of watermelons including B32, Ion gene, Mikado, is ready to export Iranian watermelon to different countries.

Type of packaging and palletizing

Gilafruit, using the best plastic cartons, thick, multi-layered and durable cartons, all kinds of first-class banana cartoons, cartoons with special printing and pallet bites (pallet box), delivers Iranian watermelon without any damage, while maintaining quality, to buyers. Generally, the choice of packaging type depends on your order.


Carton packaging

This type of watermelon packaging includes two types of printed cartoons and banana cartoons, which are covered with suitable straw and sometimes with foam. Depending on the size of the  watermelon , 2 to 4 watermelons will be placed in each cartoon in a completely hygienic way.

Watermelon packaging in cartons
Watermelon packaging in paper cartons with straw and standard straps for 2 to 4 watermelons

Pallet box packaging

Due to its durable structure, reasonable price and beauty, it is mainly used for watermelon packaging. Pallet box is made of raw wood and is ordered according to the size and dimensions of dear buyers.

Iranian watermelon packaging wooden and plastic pallet box
Iranian watermelon packaging in wooden boxes and plastic boxes

Bulk packaging

Bulk packaging is mainly used to send Iranian watermelon to nearby countries, which is very economical and cost-effective, and in this case the product is sent to the destination with suitable and hygienic straw.

Watermelon storage conditions along the way

Iranian watermelon loading and shipping must be done with utmost care and quality to protect the product from any possible damage. Therefore, Gilafruit tries to deliver the product in the best way by controlling the temperature of the product from the origin to the destination, as well as by employing its standard packaging

Watermelon temperature control
Watermelon temperature control in refrigerated containers to destination

Watermelon temperature on the track

The appropriate temperature of watermelon along the way must be between 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit and its relative humidity must be 85 to 95% for the product to reach its destination in the best condition and health. Also, if the moisture content of  watermelon is less than 85%, it will cause the watermelon rind to dry out.

Health and safety in the refrigerator

Gilafruit guarantees the health and quality of its exported watermelon along the way by following the world standards as well as by sterilizing and cleaning refrigerated trucks.

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